Enterprise Main Street
Enterprise is a rural town of 2,099 residents (US Census 2021) in Wallowa County that has historically been a bustling hub for the surrounding communities. Enterprise's proximity to outdoor recreational attractions such as Wallowa Lake or Hells Canyon allows the town to draw people to lodging, food, and shopping.
The Enterprise Main Street Committee is committed to revitalizing Enterprise’s Main Street by promoting economic growth and creating a vibrant atmosphere that honors our city’s history and community values.
For Enterprise Main Street/Downtown area to be a thriving, attractive and community-centered business hub that showcases our history while offering residents and visitors ample opportunities to meet their needs and prosper.
- Connect with our Enterprise Main Street Community Coordinator, Nathan Cheek - nathan@wallowacounty.org
- City of Enterprise Website
Interest Form
Are you interested in learning more about Main Street activities and events or volunteering for events? Click below to fill out the interest form and be sure to sign up for the newsletter.